April has been a very difficult month. It was Warren's birthday and our anniversary. I have dreaded it knowing it would be a very emotional time. We once again went to the cemetery with our balloons and let them go and sang Happy Birthday! The kids really like to go and so do I although leaving is very difficult for me. Our anniversary was a week later. Let's just say it was a bad day all around. I think that has been the hardest day I have had since Warren died. Thankfully my aunt took the kids for several hours in the afternoon so I could have some alone time. I don't know if that day will ever be better. What was once such a wonderful day has become one of the most dreaded days of my life. It made me miss Warren so very much! I am glad to get into May as school will be out this month and we need the rest. I am glad at the many blessings God has given us! I was just telling the kids that although we don't understand why God has taken Warren it has been incredible to see how he has fulfilled his promises of caring for us time and time again. God is good!!!
On another note I have a prayer request. Long time family friends of ours are asking for special prayer. Bob was diagnosed with acute leukemia about a year ago. He has been very ill and in and out of the hospital for pretty much the entire time. Saturday his daughter is graduating from nursing school and it is his desire to attend this graduation. Please pray that Bob will be able to go, that God would give him this desire. Thank you!