Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blessings to share

Hey, All!
Just wanted to update you on some things that are happening in the Brokering family. We have sold our home and bought a different one. We are in the process of moving and everyone is exhausted. We closed on the new home last Thursday and we had planned to get in that night to clean and unload at least one trailer full of packed boxes. When we got there we were met by about 12 or 15 people that had set aside their evening to help us get started right away. They all had their cleaning buckets, painting equipment and trucks to help get even more stuff moved than we had planned. This has continued for the past 7 days and all of the cleaning and painting is done and we have moved several loads of boxes in and unpacked them. They have also taken care of many minor repairs and made some changes that the lady of the house needed to have taken care of. UNBELIEVABLE! What they have done for us in the past few days would have taken us weeks or months. Thank the Lord for sending them to us to help when I'm down and unable to function.

I heard from the doc today and he tells me that my tumor marker has dropped 21 points from 55 to 34 since I started my new chemo on August 10th. This is a blessing. I have had 4 of the 12 treatments that he has prescribed for me. After my 6th treatment he plans to do a CT scan to check the progress of the treatments. The 6th treatment will be on October 19 and he will scan sometime after that. It's hard to tell exactly on what date the scan will be done. Things can change his mind depending on how well the treatments & tumor marker are doing.

I have overcome all of the symptoms of the growing cancer in my lungs except the shortness of breath. I can't climb a flight of stairs without breathing heavily and feeling a heaviness in my lungs and chest. The best that I can describe it is that it feels like someone is pushing on my chest while I'm trying to catch my breath. Other than that I have no pain, my appetite is back, I've gained 4 or 5 pounds back and the exhaustion is now caused by the chemo and not the cancer.

I tolerated the treatment last Friday much better than I did the last one. I will be doing much better when the move is over and there is a peaceful place to rest. The move is a big job, but with so many helpers my participation has been minimal. I get in trouble every time I try to contribute in the smallest ways. I'm learning the meaning of this verse: 2Co 12:10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong. I've never gotten so much done as I have since I've had cancer. The weakest time of my life is filled with the ability to accomplish much. God just continually shows Himself strong in the midst of my weakness. AMAZING GRACE!

Thank you for all of your prayers and comments. You may never know on this side of glory how encouraging it is to know that you are praying and to hear from you regularly. Thanks.

I will be posting news on my progress as it comes, but until then pray, pray, pray.

God bless,
The Brokerings


Anonymous said...

Warren and Tana,
Good news to this couple. We continue to uplift you to His waiting ears. God is good and gives strength and grace for each new day.
Dave and Sharon---WBC
1 Peter 1:3-9

Anonymous said...

Pastor Warren and Tana and Family:
I am so glad to hear that you are doing so much better. I did see where your new home is and it is wonderful to see how the Lord has provided for you. He does so much more than we can do. I am continuing to uplift you in prayer.

Krista said...

You guy are such a blessing to me! Thanks for sharing your trial with us draws me closer to Christ!
(I know Tana from Woodcrest, way back when) Know that I have you listed as a prayer request on my blog...and I pray for you continually.

Anonymous said...

We just want you to know that we are praying for you and your family every day and we will continue to do so . God is faithful. My wife is going through a similar situation as she has colon cancer and today she had a PET scan and a CT scan and tomorrow we will get the results.Glory to God who provides all that we need and is ever faithful .Keep us posted on your blog ; you have been a blessing to us.....Love from Manley & Audrey ( Tim's parents )

Anonymous said...

Hello...I looked at your blog on Michelle Ice's blog...I know her from Grace Baptist Church. It is so wonderful to see how God is blessing even in the midst of this "storm" and will be praised and glorified for everything that happens. We will continue to pray for His goodness and mercy upon you and your entire family!
The Graham Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Brokerings!

We are so excited to hear about your move and hope to be able to visit someday. Reading your blogs has helped us to keep you all in our prayers and know how to pray. We are blown away at the blessings and lessons that God is giving through your trial.
Heather, Joe, Jackie, & Joey

Anonymous said...

Praying for you - And SOOO happy to hear the news that the move went well! God is so good. Love you both (and kiddos too)

2Icecubed said...

So happy to hear that you are feeling a bit better and that you have had so much help getting settled in your new home. What a blessing to have help from God's people. We continue to uplift you in our prayers daily!!