I wanted to let you all know that I'm now on the full doses of the regimen that Dr. Huh had me on when my marker started to rise. My blood pressure is better allowing me to start up the Avastin again and the funding came through for the Xeloda. So, I'm up and running again with a full regimen of treatments. For a couple of weeks I was only taking one of the 3 components of the regimen. This is good for now.
You may wonder why I'm still on a regimen that allows my marker to go up. Well, I'm
glad you asked. We are sill trying to get funding for the clinical trial medicines. We can't change until the trial is completely set up so we stick with this treatment until we find out if we can do the trial or not. In other words, this regimen is better than no regimen at all while we wait. The prayer request is for God to reveal the next step, whether a trial or already proven and known regimen.
For now you can pray for some struggles that have surfaced since my marker has risen. I have very labored breathing. The simplest task can tax my breathing. Now how am I supposed to keep up with the little boy in this condition? I also have pain in my side (the liver). If I over do it I'll become very uncomfortable and it takes some pain medicine and a lot of rest to get past it. Spencer thinks it's his superior boxing skills that causes the pain. I can't have him growing up believing this. Also, today I stayed home from work because of all of this and then some. I found it hard to keep my food down today. This could be a passing thing for today or something I'll have to deal with in the days to come until we figure out our new course of action. Pray for these things to subside so I can continue to funtion.
Well, I just wanted to update you all on these things so you could be praying for us. We appreciate all that you do for us in you prayer efforts. I'll update you when I know more.
God bless,
Warren and family.
I'm praying for you, Warren! It was so good to see you all again over Memorial Day!:)
So glad to hear that you are able to start back on the treatments. We continue to pray that the Lord will strengthen you. Love you, my Brother! Also will pray specifically for the needs you mentioned. Happy Fathers Day!
We will be praying for the funding to come through for the clinical trial, that the pain in the side, labored breathing and tummy issues will be resolved. Take care all of you Brokerings and know you are in our constant prayers.
Psalms 3:2-5
"Many are they who say of me, "There is no help for him in God. But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, My glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the LORD with my voice, And He heard me from His holy hill. I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the LORD sustained me."
Many prayers going up.
Dave and Sharon Rist (WBC)
So glad for the update! It is so nice to know the most current info. So sorry you are struggling with some side effects. We are continuing to pray for the funding for the trial! Keep resting in Him!
Love ya,
The Ices
Hey Warren-
Our hearts go out to you- stay strong! You are in our prayers up in Milwaukee.
Love to the family.
Heather and Joe
Miss You guys! What's for dinner?
Our family will be praying in more earnest for you and your family, for your breathing, stomach, and pain, and strength for Tana. As difficult as this is, I hope you can still glorify God for his goodness and His PERFECT wisdom - I know you are. I still hope to visit you sometime soon.
Terry and Kim Watson and girls
p.s. you're still SCUM
I am praying for you. Will now pray that the funding comes through. Thanks for letting me know what is going on. Your faith is amazing. Don't know that I would handle it so well. You are a true testimony to the Lord. Of course, me being the procrastinator that I am, I just got around to checking the post, thus the lateness of my comment. Not that it is all that earth-shattering or anything. Give me a call when you feel up to it.
Is that your hand on my shoulder? Do I need to come down and lay hands on you? Putz?!
Happy Birthday Chloe!!! We love and miss you so much!!!!!
(Rich): Oh man, no wonder old man Tierney was so messed up.....
(Carl): What are you doing Rich?
(Rich): What, what do you mean Carl?
(Carl): Aren't those the school personnell files Rich?
(Rich): Carl, this is a very sensitive matter and it would be very embarrassing if this was to get out......
(Carl): What are you going to do for me?
(Rich): Well, well wnjat would you like?
(Carl): How bought $50?
(Rich): Excuse me? What?
(Carl): $50!!!!!
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