Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Preparing for round 3

Hey all!

Thanks for your responses. I read them all and they are so very encouraging. It's like we're surrounded by an army of God's warriors.

I am doing better than last time. My recovery time has been much shorter and I'm able to enjoy nourishment for a longer period of time before I have to go at it again. The only problem is that I keep losing weight for no apparent reason. You may remember me saying in the past blogs that I'm losing weight, but it goes back up and I'm still well above the recommended weight for my size and age. Well, now I'm below that weight and steadily dropping. I can't account for the weight loss. I eat well, snack a lot and keep the calories rolling, but it's to no avail.

This is an important issue because if I get too puny I'll not be able to handle the treatments and it will just be sickness all the time. Pray that I can find a way to gain my weight back and keep it on. I look pretty pathetic with my clothes hanging off me. When I wear my shirt and tie it looks like I'm a little boy dressing up in daddy's clothes. Pretty sad.

A couple of other things to pray about: because of the weight loss I have little strength. It's hard to play with the children. They always want to be lifted, carried. thrown or on the floor wrestling. It's hard to do. The other thing is my breathing. I can't go up our stairs without being ridiculously out of breath and it takes a few minutes to get it back. Well, you can imagine the frustration in all of this so please pray and ask God to restore these things.

Thanks for all of you care and concerns for us. Continue to pray according to what you see on the blog and as the Spirit leads you as well. Some days are harder than others for whatever reason and the Spirit knows this. Thanks again and God bless.

Warren and the fam.


tacky said...

Hi Warren and Tana, I have been checking in on you from time to time and wanted you to know I pray for you both. I am taking a trip down memory lane to the snack shop at MBBC and the two mornings a week we would sit and talk, Warren, and drink coffee and eat warm, Otis Spunkmeyer chocolate chip cookies. We were probably more worried about calories then...maybe Tana could bake you a pan of cookies! No sharing allowed..it is hard when you have kids...and you are teaching them to share! We have three children and I am not wild about sharing all the treats all the time...we like to wait...never mind, no matter which way I word the next thought...it isn't going to come out right. But then again, it would help you recognize me...Kari

Anonymous said...

You know you are in our thoughts and prayers continually. We will be seeing you soon and so look forward to our time together. It's amazing how many people, around the world are praying for you all, now even a group of Christian "truckers" have put you on their prayer list. How important prayer is to all of us, just to know and experience the power of God through the prayers of His people is such a blessing. We love you all dearly. Mother "R"

Jana said...

Hey Warren,
I know your clothes are probably not fitting so maybe Alex could send you some of his clothes.
I thought with me leaving you would have gained weight since I am not eating all the hidden candy bars.
We pray for you and LOVE you!!!
Love Jana
Hey Man,
Go Dodgers. Instead of Cubbie Blue root for Dodger Blue~

Jill said...

We are praying for you! Noah and Olivia pray for "Mommy and Daddy's friend Warren" at night. May "the JOY of the Lord be your strength" at this time.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Broke!
We have been praying for you anytime that you come to my mind, especially when I sit and think. We pray that God takes that bad cancer out of your body and you get that raviously beautiful body back where it was...preacher size! We love you more than words can tell. Fight the warfare this day victoriously. Your friend always, David and fam. Is that your hand on my shoulder?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tana and Warren. You have been in our thoughts and prayers. Between mom and your blog, we stay posted. We love you. Your strength has been a blessing to me. Love ya, Teresa Newland Clark

Anonymous said...

Dear Warren and Tana,
You are in our thoughts and prayers so much today. Your Mom shared at our Ladies Retreat your great need at this time. Our speaker shared Mark 4:35-40 with us and how it was Jesus's idea to get into their boat knowing there was going to be a storm coming. Therefore it was no surprise to Him when the storm came. With Jesus in your boat you will never, ever sink. She then shared the song that goes...."Does Jesus care when my way is dark with a nameless dread and fear? As the daylight fades into deep night shades, does He care enough to be near? O yes, He cares, I know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are weary, the long night dreary, I know my Saviour cares." Ron and Jan Simons

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing man..I just wanted to let you know! :)
I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey PW and Tana!

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm praying for you both. I miss you like crazy and think about you often. Keep your head up and know that you are loved a whole bunch from Florida!!! Keep smiling! Love you both a lot....tell the kids i said hey and that i love them! .......Kylie Jo

Marcy said...

I am praying for you all right now (and continuously)! Love you! Isaiah 26:3

Anonymous said...

we love you and are praying for you. Please let us know if there is something we could do.

Ryan and crew

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, Warren!
Because He lives,
Kim Savage Bumgardaner