Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer is here!!!

I am so glad summer is here! I was so ready to be away from the school schedule!! It seems like whenever we had a school break we were out of town. I am looking forward to taking a break and doing some never-ending organization. In the next couple of weeks we will also be doing some painting and rearranging of the kids rooms. We have been very busy since coming home from FL. It seemed like every weekend there was something happening. May brought some more days of firsts. Dear friends took the children and I out to eat for Mother's day. It was a good day and I enjoyed the eating and fellowship! It really helped to keep my mind from feeling down. I also had many friends and family txt or call to wish me a good day!! Thank you to all!
The next day we had was our oldest 9th birthday!!! We went to Chuck E Cheese, it was a great time! WOW, I can't believe she's 9, on the other hand I struggle with the fact that she is only 9 and her daddy isn't here to see it. The end of May brought Memorial Day weekend and we went to Chicago for a Kane County Cougar game. It was a lot of fun. We had almost 25 of us at the game. It was fun to see some family I hadn't seen in years!! It was fun to see the cousin's kids playing. We came home and mom came with me to do a garage sale. It was quite the event. While setting up, mom crushed her hand in between two plastic containers. It wasn't broken or fractured but was severely bruised and swollen. She is doing much better now. Thank the Lord! After the garage sale, we headed up to MN. It is always good to go home! It was good to see so many people and just hang out. We spend one day at the MN zoo!! I love the zoo!! It was wonderful to watch the kids with the animals. The girls hadn't been since they were 3 & 1 and my little man has never been. The bears were probably the best exhibit. I could have stayed to watch them all night! They seemed so carefree and loved to entertain the people. It just doesn't matter what you do we always wish Warren was with us!! I wanted to call him and tell him what the kids were saying or doing. I need to share so much with him. I believe that God shows him many things we are doing, like our oldest piano playing, but it's just the fact that it never mattered what I told him about the kids he loved it whether it was big or little and there is so much to say. The kids are growing so much and life is going on...................Anyway, I miss him so much. It has been 8 months. It is hard to believe we made it 8 months. God keeps holding us as we walk this path. Father's day is approaching. You never realize how all the advertisements and commercials are so hard for people. I can't watch any commercials on father's day. I am thankful for the wonderful father my husband was in his short time of being one. He was so proud to be a father and if you knew him you understood that he was very proud of his children and so very thankful for the opportunity to be a "dad". "Happy Father's Day Warren!! I love you!


Jana said...

Seriously Tana, do you have to write such things and make me cry every time. You do this on purpose don't you!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, seriously. Thank you for sharing your heart, but I should know better than to pull up your blog while I'm at work. Love you and pray for you and the children continually. So good to be with you recently, and then to have you home for a week. Wish we could have been together longer. Love, Mom

Robin A. (Shisler) Greiner said...

Was thinking of you and praying for you tonight, Tana. I know your birthday is tomorrow (ok, I'm up late, so your birthday is in 24 minutes!). I know Warren would've done something special for you. I'm so sorry he's not here for you. I wish I could help with that "missing" for you. I'll be praying for you and the kids on Father's Day too. Love you, Robin

Anonymous said...

Tana: Happy Birthday1 I hope your day did not start out like the weather. The sun has come out now so maybe you have the day off work and can do something fun with the kids. Love Randi

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sweetheart. We love you and miss you. Hope your day is as special as you! Love Mom & Dad

withpatience said...

Happy Birthday, Tana;-) I hope that you and the kids have some time to just "be" this summer--you've all been through so much! Hope you all have a great time painting;-)

The Weigle Family said...

Thank you for your honesty and your tender heart. You are so very REAL and I love real people! You are in my thoughts and prayers so very often! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Tana, I was in Alaska but had you on my mind especially with Father's Day. I am sure Warren was with you and the children. May God continue to give you strength & courage as you face each day.
God's love,