With the many changes in our lives, one of my hardest during the last several months is the difficulty in getting to sleep at night. As I have said before night time is a time I struggle dealing with. But, the last few nights, I start out with questioning the Lord on His decision and He has reminded me of the list of family members and friends that He has so wonderfully given me during this time. I have been amazed at what God has blessed me with. Life as I knew it has totally changed and I don't always go with it easily, but God has given His grace through many forms. It doesn't mean I understand why or that it's any easier to accept necessarily, but He does give me the strength to cope. It never fails that when I am having one of those many days He sends people to me. It may a phone call, a card, a Facebook note, a visit, an e-mail, etc. For those of you family and friends that read this, please know how thankful I am for your consistent encouragement. I may not respond outwardly, but know that my heart it so grateful for your love and support. I know that there are many times that I made it through the day because you responded to that little voice from God letting you know I needed a boost. I just wanted you all to know I am very appreciative of your "care" for me.
The summer has gone by too quickly. It won't be long before school starts back up. We have been so busy, I painted a small bathroom and gave my oldest her own room. I painted her room and put up border. It was a crazy week, but I felt like I had accomplished so much. We celebrated a birthday for my 7yr old on the first. We went to a tea place with some friends and had a little tea party. What a wonderful thing for little girls. They had boa's and hats for the little girls to wear and they had fun. I did have to draw the line when the owner was showing my little "warrior" boy how to wear a boa. Everyone had their own teapot with tea and tea cups. I kept thinking how Warren would have loved to see the girls being little ladies. They had sugar to put in their tea cups, but that became such a fun activity that the sugar was just "sludge" in the bottom of the cups. :) But oh, what fun we had! We had a wonderful 4th with Warren's family. It was good to see all the family and watch the cousins play together. We didn't have fireworks that night because we had so much rain, but Sunday night our city did a wonderful display. I had not intended to go because I was tired and just plain didn't want to mess with it. When the kids found out there were fireworks (thanks to the neighbor kids) they of course wanted to go. I immediately said "no" we aren't going. The kids and I all got ready for bed, but the guilt started setting in :) I kept hearing the little voice that said "why not?". So we jumped in the car PJ's and all and went to see the fireworks. It was great and the kids loved it (and so did I). It was one of those moments that all of the sadness left and we just had smiles. It was such a "christmas" moment when all is forgotten. Again, God is good, He gives us what we need when we need it. I am so thankful for those moments and that God has given me my babies to share these wonderful times together.
How often you are prayed for during the day, you will never know. We know these are difficult days, but we are so proud of your willingness to allow your Lord to give you the grace as you need. What a wonderful mother and father you are to those three precious children. We just wished we lived next door, but that is part of what God continues to teach us: to rest in his care of our children. We are praying that your sleep will improve. We love you dearly. Mom and Dad Psalm 77
My Precious Tana,
I can only call you that threw the computer because I feel if I did in person I might get slapped!!! I wanted you to know what an encouragemnet you are to me everyday! When I feel weak I think of your strength! When I need a boost on being a better Mom I think of how amazing you are! Thank you for being a truly marvelous sister! Know that everynight Ella, Alex, and I will be praying for you!!!
Hi Tana: I am back from PA for a few weeks. As I walk this journey with Mom, I realize how difficult it was and is for you. I know we have to trust the Lord and accept His timing for everything but it is hard to not worry and fret. I have seen some family members attend church faithfully through this and pray with Mom and hopefully show her comfort only comes from the Lord. I hope you are enjoying some lazy days. I saw where school starts August 19and wonder where the time as gone. Where can we go for strength but to the Lord. Randi
Tana,was having some down time & read you blog today & saw it was updated. Wanted you to know I think of you often & the children too. I didn't know Warren very long but still felt a connection to him & wish we could have had longer to connect further. Please know we still pray for you & the children. God has a plan for you & He will reveal it in His time.
God bless, Rebecca
Tana, Warren lives on. Every now and then Jim will say, "I remember when Warren and I ...." or "Warren used to walk up to people and do this ..." I haven't been to your blog in such a long time. We were just praying for you this evening. What is your e-mail address?
I feel your struggle, but I also feel your strength. I know it comes from the Spirit within. (Is. 41:10.) Hold on to every blessing and dwell on them. Bring them to mind every time you begin to be overwhelmed. It's a gift to call life's adventures what they are and still find ways to be filled with joy. I'm praying for you and your kids. Linda
I don't know if you remember me or not....my husband Earl (Mr.E) and I did a VBS at your church in IN about 10 years ago. We also were in VA doing teen meetings when you and Warren were there. Earl enjoyed spending time with Warren and just being able to laugh and be goofy. I wanted to tell you that I have been praying for you and your family ever since we first heard that Warren had cancer. Warren called our house once when we were living in IL to talk to Earl. It was after Warren had cancer and after we had found out that I had cancer. Warren was a huge encouragement to me that day! We didn't find out about Warren's passing until after the funeral. We were moving up to WI that weekend. We found out several weeks later. I have wanted to send you a card but didn't have your address. And after the move I have been overwhelmed and not too organized with so much going on health wise and settling into a new place. I was cleaning today and ran across your blog address that Warren had given me the day we talked. I am not good on the computer, but sat down today and figured out how to get onto the blog. I just wanted to tell you that I pray for you and your children all the time. I'm sorry it is so hard for you. I appreciate the wonderful testimony for the Lord you have been in the midst of such a hard thing. I will continue to pray for you. Amy Martin
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