Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Single parenting has got to be my toughest job! Trying to be both mother and father at times. Trying not to be the "No" parent every time and choosing my battles. It's tough. 3 teenagers, 1 adult...ratio isn't good for me. I think my biggest battle is the kitchen clean-up! It's like really there are 4 people...four plates or 4 bowls. It's not that hard and shouldn't take anyone 2 hrs!! I even post each child's night in the kitchen so they know what night and can plan ahead due to various schedules. It's just plain ridiculous the excuses to not do it or why it didn't get done. I know there are those that say...well, you just make them. Yep, I know. It will get done eventually, but boy does it bring on the battles. You would think though that by now these 3 medium humans would figure that it doesn't matter the excuse, the stalling, the whining, the clever ways to go around...AREN'T WORKING! YOU STILL HAVE TO CLEAN THE KITCHEN! I love my children, but there are those tough days that your just thankful that God gives you mercy too. Thanking God today for those medium humans who make me who I am and for the lessons God is teaching me as i raise them.