Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pray for my grandfather

Thanks for the prayers. I'm doing a bit better than last night, but have a way to go before I'm fit to funtion in society. Pray for my breathing. I get winded very easily and it causes heaviness in my chest. Takes a few minutes to shake it off. No word yet from the doc as to how the treatments are doing. I do feel better in terms of cancer symtoms except for the breating.

I hate to add to your prayer list, but I recently learned that my grandfather has small cell cancer on his lungs. It is a ridiculously fast growing cancer and the mass in the middle of his chest is pretty big. He is 85 and we all wonder how strong he is to fight this disease. The doc says that he may have between 9 to 12 months with chemotherapy.

He has had cancer in his lungs before years ago and they removed the lobe that it was in and he has lived a very good life since. This is a different strand of cancer and the treatments are harsh so I'm heavy hearted for him knowing what lies ahead for him in treatments alone. Pray for him. His name is Clarence Cox. Grandma's name is Norma.

Thanks again for your love and prayers. God truly loves us through His people.

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

Hello Brokering Family
Just wanted to let you know we are all thinking of you. We hope all is well and we are able to spend some time together soon! We were all upset to hear about Grandpa Cox and will continue to keep everyone in our prayers.
Scott and Family

Anonymous said...

Will continue to pray and thank you for sharing another request. God is good, all the time.

Tom said...

Will continue to pray for you and your family.
I appreciate your faith and spirit.
We did the Disney thing last year.
Had a great time!
Have you heard from Marten's lately?
God Bless You, Bex!

Anonymous said...

Warren and Tana,
It was great to see your pictures from Florida...It's such a blessing to see your family so happy and relaxed. What a mighty God we serve, continue to lean on his many provisions. Thank you for continuing to update, as we continue to pray. Thinking of you often.

The Sobcinski and McCarty Family's

Anonymous said...

Hey Warren and Tina, Just heard about you on 9/17 from Trevor Gearhart - whom we hadn't seen in 15 years. He pointed us toward your blog. Our prayers are with you both. Cancer is an evil enemy. We are in South Bend, Indiana for 11 years now. Warren, your name brings a smile to our face. We did the "friend or foe?" face in your honor. "The memory of the righteous is a blessing" (Prov. 10:7). Will pass along your news to Catalano, Benedict, Nichols, and others. May God strengthen and protect you all.

Anonymous said...

Warren & Tana, It was wonderful to see your faces again after all these years! Dan Jordan let us know about your website. Our hearts ache for you right now, but were encouraged to see your testimony through this very difficult time. We will be praying. A verse that is special to Steve & I right now is Exodus 33:14, "The LORD replied, 'My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.' " I'll send a family update to your e-mail and pass this on to Robin
Love in Christ, Steve & Pam Benedict

Anonymous said...

Hey Warren and Tana!
Pam forwarded me your link. Talk about a blast from the past! Tana, I see you in the faces of your little ones. I'm married to a wonderful man, Gene, and we have one son, Andrew, who is in 2nd grade. I'm sorry to hear of the current trials in your life. It's encouraging to see your testimony, even through the cancer treatments. God always seems to draw me closest to Him through the darkest times. I'll be praying that His presence will be very tangible to you all these days. I don't see your email address listed here (maybe I missed it), but I'll see if Pam has it. Love and prayers to you both! Robin (Shisler) Greiner