Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dr. Visit update

I had another visit with the doc today. My tumor marker is steadily on the rise. It had gone all the way down to 31.1. Since then it went up to 34, then 37 and now 39. I asked him if the chemotherapy is starting to level off in its effectiveness and he shook his head yes. It's just like the last regimen I was on. It does a good job for a while and then it begins to fade off. Doc says we'll try to finish this regimen (which goes through January) and get a scan at the end of January.

He is also prescribing some things to get rid of or at least contain the sinus infection. He is also doing some things to help my breathing. It has gotten a bit haggard lately. Is Haggard a real word? Anyway, I feel decent and I still enjoy life. I got to deer hunt with my brothers this year. That was a special blessing as we don't get to do a whole lot together these days. I hope to do it again next year.

Some may ask if I'm worried about the marker rising and the chemotherapy losing its effectiveness. Not really. The marker is considerably low compared to others and as far as the chemo is concerned, well, it's just a form of medical practice. God will decide what will work and what will not. I'm sure He isn't counting on the chemo to heal me so why should I. He has His hand on my body and nothing happens without His doing or consent so pray that He will allow healing. It's hard to know the mind of God on such matters, but it doesn't hurt to share our mind with Him and pray to that end, so please pray.

Thanks to all of you who follow this blog and pray. Remember to pray for us spiritually, emotionally and mentally as well. It is an all around battle. Thanks also for your responses. They are so very encouraging and we look forward to reading them from day to day. Share the blog with others and recruit the prayer warriors. We do so appreciate it.

God bless.


Anonymous said...

Praying for strength, energy, health, healing and joy for you all.
Dave and Sharon (WBC)
1 Peter 1:3-9

Anonymous said...

We just talked to our son Tim and he said that he had just talked to you and that you said that you had a great day today and that if you could feel this good all the time it would be great and we will pray that you will have many more days where you feel that good .My wife Audrey is feeling the side effects of her chemo ; her feet are cracking and bleeding and she got very dehydrated last week so they had to stop her treatments .We see the doctor tomorrow and we are praying that they will come up with a new treatment for her that she will be able to tolerate . We pray daily for you and your family . God bless...Manley & Audrey

Anonymous said...

Warren and crew,

just a short "hello" and want to again THANK you for your beautiful faith in our most wonderful Lord. I am also so glad to hear you got out into the woods. We are still praying...

Ryan and crew

Anonymous said...

So many people are praying for you. Wednesday night so many came to me, after church, to assure me of their prayers on your behalf. Some had read the blog and some the prayer request bulletin at church. I know there are difficult times, but I also know that you work at keeping your focus on our precious God instead of on your circumstances. We have to do the same. Isn't it wonderful to know that the very God of heaven is our Healer, our Rock, Our Fortress, and our Deliverer. He's all powerful and has a perfect plan in all of this. So as we take this "cancer" journey, with you, we know that you, dear son-in-law, and our precious daugher and grandchildren, are in the palm of His hand. How reassuring for this Father and Mother. We love you. Psalm 34

SturgillMom said...

We are definitely praying for you in Kansas City. Are you all planning to go to MN for Christmas. We would love to get together!

2Icecubed said...

Muncie, IN is praying for you as well!! We continue to lift you before the throne of grace daily. Hope to see you in MN...would love to spend some time with you all!

Anonymous said...

I was glad you were able to hunt with your brothers over Thanksgiving. Your blogs are an encouragement to me as I faithfully pray for you. It is great to see answers to prayer. I hope to see you and the family at the school Christmas program. It is always a blessing to see and hear the children. Randi

Anonymous said...

Hey Russell & fam...I think about you guys and pray for you daily! Call me, or email your new address...please!

Anonymous said...

Hi Brokerings. Have safe travels and a wonderful visit in Minnesota. Warren, we will not be there to hear your message but we will be with you in spirit, prayers, and thoughts. Make many memories and have the best Christmas ever. We are praying for you all.
Dave and Sharon (WBC)
1 Peter 1:3-9

Anonymous said...


We have been praying for you every day since we heard of your cancer diagnosis in a prayer request mentioned on campus at Maranatha back in 2006. We have prayed numerous times that we would find a way to learn of your current condition. Then, this week we got the Christmas photo of your beautiful children that Tana sent with your blogspot address written on the back--a definite answer to prayer! I immediately came here to get the answers to our questions. Two of our friends with cancer, for whom we have been faithfully praying, recently were told that their cancer is gone. ptl! One of them was treated with an alternative to chemo therapy known as herceptin. Herceptin is a relatively new cancer treatment with which there has been a high level of cure rate. Please ask your doctor about it. (Nothing ventured, nothing gained!)

Tomorrow begins teacher meetings for 2nd semester at MBBC. I will be teaching my full compliment of classes and private lessons, but since it's not my semester to direct the play I am going to take a new class we're offering on Video Production. I'm looking forward to seeing things from "the other side of the desk" again. My husband John has one semester left to complete his Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). All his classroom courses are completed, so this is the semester of his nursing practicum, formerly called "student nursing". He begins working fulltime (no paycheck, unfortunately) at the hospital in Beaver Dam. God willing, he will graduate in May, but still will have to take his state board exam in May or June to become an official licensed nurse.

My parents are both still on this side of glory. Mom turned 84 in June and she continues to live at our family home on 6th Street with my sister Shaaron. Dad turns 88 on January 8th and he lives at a local nursing home. He has physical needs that necessitate his being at the nursing home, but he still has his mind. He comes home now and then for Sunday dinner or special occasions. Our church (Fellowship Baptist in Wttn) works together with one of the service societies at MBBC in putting on a service at the nursing home every Thursday night. That has been as much of a blessing to us as it is to the residents.

Well, I have gone on and on, haven't I? I will bring this epistle to a close with a suggestion that you drop me an e-mail now and then at cruffin@mbbc.edu. Once I have your e-mail address I promise to keep in touch.

Much love to all the Brokerings...
Carol Senn Ruffin

Anonymous said...

You are thought about and prayed for daily. Your all important to all of the "Russell" name fam. Thanks for being in my life! And thanks so much for the updates! I love you guys!